The latest PR stunt

I am so fed up with answering the same bloody questions about this wretched pope!

The latest reporter to ask me to comment was today, about pope Francis and his “robust stand on child sexual abuse by the clergy.”


There IS no new stance, Francis is just churning out the same old platitudes and delaying nonsense as always.
The resignation and the new appointment  was always a gigantic PR stunt, and they are behaving true to form. I cannot believe why anyone would actually listen to them – But they DO!
They tell me he is “different” has another “fresh perspective ” and is continuing the hard work started by the last pope! REALLY? REALLY?
Let us be very clear- this man has not suddenly been parachuted in from Mars to take over this role, he has been part of the wretched organisation for all of his adult life, and well informed about the issues! He is a politician, that much is clear, he would not have survived in Argentina so long had he not been so, and he is no more humble than the last one, or the one before that, because Humility is NOT in their remit.
Just listen to his language as he made the latest remarks, he said “The church’s credibility is at stake” NOT  “We are guilty of heinous crimes against innocent children and need to make amends” NOT  ” We need to open up to public scrutiny” NOT  “We have damaged thousands of innocent lives and we want to put it right” NOT “We need to answer to the laws of the countries where our clergy have committed these crimes”
NOT “This must stop  and we have to do the right thing by the thousands of individuals who’s lives will NEVER be the same” NOT “We are RESPONSIBLE, CULPABLE,ASHAMED” NO-
“the church’s credibility is at stake”
Well here’s the thing – Francis the church HAS no credibility, it has FAILED and you need to wake up and face the facts.
And how can I say this? It is because the whole issues is so very simple! You simply have to do the RIGHT THING! And time after time you refuse, covering your lack of compassion and contrition by further empty words.
Stop telling us what you will do, just listen to what WE are telling you to do! you can  no longer be in the driving seat.
The reporter asked me yet again if I wanted a “Universal apology” ?
When are people going to understand that the very idea of an “apology” is absolutely offensive! These words are so cheap they aren’t  worth anything at all, and they  abuse us further by suggesting that “Sorry” even comes close to what they  should be feeling!
The sickening thing is that the church does not have to do very much, there are too many naive and blind people doing the spin for them, by falling, yet again for the bullshit.
The reporter actually asked me what I respected about the pope!
So heres another thing – I DO NOT RESPECT HIM OR HIS OFFICE
respect is earned and they have proven incapable of earning it.


  1. A refreshing blast at the mental cobwebs, Sue! Hilarious as well, but mind the CAPS! lol!. I think Pope Francis 1 is just trying to figure out how to carry on being Mr Nice and Humble whilst planning a bloodbath amongst the sex freaks and banksters whose excesses are in the ‘secret file’ that was left to him by his predecessor after he had his “I’m an exhausted Pope, get me down off this Cross!” retirement tantrum.

    I think that whole “middle-class reasonable” line from the world’s media is pure poodle, given the range of crimes over not years or decades, but centuries. The have a saying “Qui pensiamo in seculi (here we think in terms of centuries)” and are openly contemptuous of citizen democracy, as are many of the nominally ‘democratic’ governments who bow, scrape and fawn before The Holy See, such as the loathsome behaviour of the British government when Ratzinger turned up in my old school playground in October 2010. However, I amuse myself now by looking at photos of hapless ex-Pope Benedict as he sits in his open prison knowing he may face arrest if he leaves his retirement villa. Oh, and I love to glance at his arrival in Scotland to be greeted by Cardinal O’Brien, who appears to have vanished off the face of the earth.

    I’ve had it up to the back teeth with journalists telling me I have to be ‘reasonable’ and take them seriously. I don’t. I mock them openly and remorselessly and that appears to drive them absolutely bonkers, so I’ll carry on not ‘protesting the pope’ but ‘mocking the joke’ if he opens his mouth and comes out with any apologia for past abuse, cover-ups of abuse, homophobia, misogyny..but I’d wear my fingers out typing up the litany of offensive nonsenses i’m supposed to take seriously. I don’t. Like some incubus/succubus thingy in a bad episode of ‘Dr Who’, these people feed on anger, outrage and negativity, so my motto remains “do not feed Papal Trolls!”

    But I’m also in a curious position whereby quite a few rogue agents in the hierarchy are on my side and can’t wait for ‘Cardinal Assange’ and ‘Monsignore Manning’ to do Vatileaks redux. I know Julian’s a bit dodgy, but it’s useful shorthand for moles within the inner sanctum.

    The right to belief has to be balanced with the right to unbelief. And also the right to not care that much, the right to thinks such arguments aren’t really that important and that there’s better things to do than watch bald religionists and atheists argue over a comb. If there’s a God, it doesn’t matter. If there isn’t, it doesn’t matter. I just don’t care either way, so long as atheist North Korea doesn’t fire a missile at the Holy See or anything odd like that.

    Once again, thank you for your wonderful work in this whilst I was a ‘sleeper’. It’s a great relief to be able to openly snort my contempt at every single evasion and spin cycle that emanates from their preposterous city-state. I’ve had a good vent and a mock on Facebook earlier but your email link to this article made me chortle. Love it!

    I’m hoping that Matt and Trey will work on a script with me about Benny and Frankie’s Sex Abuse Gulag when they’ve finished with ‘The Book of Mormon’ run in London. Oh, and if G*d exists, he/she/they is/are too busy to listen to a bunch of prats on planet earth moaning about how they’re no longer taken seriously by any sensible person. Deal with it, guys…the old days and ways are gone for ever!

  2. Truly pathetic rhetoric from an organisation with zero moral integrity. Good work, Sue. Let’s hope the international criminal court or the UN convention on the rights of the child will help achieve justice and put these brutes in their place.

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