Both Sue and myself would like to simply share with you our thoughts, worries, funny things, experiences, etc. of every day. Those diaries you will find here.
You would like to connect to others and share your brainwork as well?
Write to us and let’s talk about it.
Sue Cox
Diary of a recovered catholic!
I am so pleased that Ton has sleepless nights! It is the time he gets his ideas, and this one is wonderful. I have promised myself a diary since I was a little girl, I have started a thousand, and ended them too! This will be different, this is sharing my thoughts and ramblings with like minded people who matter to me, and so there will be a real incentive! The connections we have made, the joy I feel when we are all in touch with each other is something that I would love every one to experience. Like Ton, I may not be able to write every day, but I will connect with you as often as I possibly can.
Lets talk! X (sleep well Ton!)

To visit my dairy – click the image.
Ton Leerschool
Some days are good, others a bit less, but what gets me through every day is my sense of humour, me knowing that I am fighting a right cause, my connection with Sue and the work we do together and of course my wife Paola and the kids.
If I can’t sleep at night I sometimes get the brightest ideas or the clearest analysis comes to me all by itself… This makes my nights a brilliant extension of my working day!
I will not be writing every day, because sometimes I just don’t feel that my thoughts are worth sharing with others, but I will be publishing here regularly.
So come back often if you like…thank you.