Some of our friends……..


Julian Mockridge – “I attended a break out session at the NSS conference yesterday and am full of admiration for your work. I would be very happy if you accepted me as a friend of your organisation”.

Rebecca Brown – “I have not been directly affected by the Catholic church, but my partner grew up with Catholic parents and attended church as a child and young man. He did not suffer physical abuse, but recalls a priest making strange and inappropriate comments to him on occasion that made him feel uncomfortable. He was unneccesarily made to feel guilty and unhappy about many aspects of life whilst growing up by the influence of Catholic dogma.   I do not have any religious beliefs myself, but in recent years I attended the funeral of my partner’s aunt at a Catholic church in order to support my partner [otherwise I would refuse to ever set foot in a Catholic building] Prior to conducting the funeral ceremony the priest verbally insulted my partner in front of me and members of his family by way of making an inappropriate ‘joke’. The priest’s arrogance and insensitivity angered me greatly and fuelled my feeling that this is a corrupt and callous organisation where it claims to be compassionate. The Catholic church has perpetrated and hidden many evils for many years. I cannot stand the influence this huge international organisation has, on so many indiviuals and countries. I strongly believe in the ethos of Survivors’ Voice and would like very much to offer support as a sympathetic friend. Please continue doing the great work that you do.

Carleen Roberts – “Talking to you and Ton on Saturday restored my ‘faith’ (ahem) in humanity. I am really interested in the work you are doing and would love to show my support in any way I can“.

Pink Triangle – “We are a gay Humanist charity and fully support what you do“.

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